A common complaint I hear is that “ I have spent thousands of dollars on labs and treatments that have done very little or nothing to help.” I myself have walked this road. So in my practice I have been very tuned into WHICH LABS truly are helpful for guiding a full recovery process.

For those with lyme or suspected Lyme Disease this is an entire discussion of its own. I am going to simplify by stating that Most ILADS doctors do prefer the IGENEX immunoblot testing for Borrelia and for Tick Borne relapsing fever. Sometimes testing for co-infections like Bartonella, Babesia and more can be added on to an IGENEX panel. There are many other good labs for these infections but this is the main one I like to see and some physicians are opening up to ordering outside of the standard ELISA/WESTERN BLOT which miss MOST strains of Borrelia. Some also consider the DNA CONNEXIONS lab to be helpful in finding Borrelia and CO-infections. In the end, no matter if you ever get a positive test result or not, the safe and effective protocols that I use here at FWC work to help anyone with chronic illness to recover. 

LABS THAT I TRULY LOVE are those that help me ferret out the BLOCKS to someone’s healing process. Those with extreme sensitivities, inability to handle treatment protocols of all sorts, treatment resistance and MAST CELL activation syndromes, are all huge red flags for me for the presence of environmental toxins like Heavy Metals, Mold/Mycotoxins and Chemical/ Herbicides and Pesticides. In fact if I hear someone tell me “ I just cant tolerate supplements/ medications/ treatments I instantly know that they will not do well until we identify and address the source of chronic inflammation in their body. 

The ZYTO scanning that I offer in consultations does a good job of pointing to which things may be causing the chronic inflammation in your body. However many of us really want that true diagnostic testing that we can see on paper in front of us. I know for me personally it is hope giving and motivating to see that the presence of mercury, lead, uranium ( yes can you believe many of us are walking around with radioactive elements in our body??) chemicals and mycotoxins CAN BE EFFECTIVELY ADDRESSED in order to make the way for healing. I would say that 95% of the time when we identify and work on these blocks that people will FINALLY make progress in their healing. So I do not hesitate anymore to ask someone to spend a few hundred dollars on testing like this that can make a world of difference.

How to order testing:

If you have a good doctor who can order these tests for you GREAT! That may save you some money. However if you don’t and still want that insight into your body’s unique issues here are some options you have :

Go TO Www.Mylabsforlife.com and order the 


  • Mycotoxins panel to look for evidence of mold in your body
  • HEAVY METALS URINE panel to look for evidence of heavy metals like lead and mercury, uranium and many others 
  • Non heavy metals TOX test- to look for chemicals that disrupt normal body functions
  • Glyphosate test to look for the highly toxic main ingredient of Round Up which is found in nearly 100% of people tested. ( has gotten into food and water) 

Connecting the dots

When people get THESE types of test reports back I can tell you that they are often AMAZED at what has been building up in their bodies over the years. They will often feel a sense of relief at having discovered something actionable that has the promise of leading to improved health. 

I can also tell you that 100% of people who do the hard work of removing these environmental toxins will start to open doors to real progress in their health. The testing will often help them to “ Connect the dots” to a lifetime of mysterious illnesses.

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