Recently our office has received many concerns about the coronavirus – what preventative measure should I take?  What can I take to treat it if I suspect that I have it? How do I protect my family?  

There are no gold standard treatments for covid-19 coronavirus infection, but there are many things you can do to protect and support your body against it. 

Some steps you can take to resist infection are: 

  1. Social distancing – by far the best prevention! IF you are immune compromised you should simply stay at home as much as possible and ask others to do your shopping and necessary errands for you. Stay 6 feet away from others in public especially if they are coughing or sneezing. 
  2. Wash or sanitize your hands after getting out to your car or on arrival in your home. Sanitize any surface you touched on the way in the door. 
  3. Use colloidal silver or essential oil/colloidal silver nasal spray after being out in public. I am selling these two nasal sprays. These natural anti-microbial sprays can help your body defeat a virus before it sets in. 
  4. Take preventative doses of Liposomal Essential oil viral support formula that I am making in my office. For prevention take 2 TBSP twice daily. We can ship this to you. 

MORE STEPS You can take are:

  • Reduce sugar intake. Processed and synthetic sugars cause our bodies to become more acidic, which benefits the growth of bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing microbes.  Use maple syrup, local honey, fruit-based or coconut sugar for sweetening.
  • Stay well hydrated with your Berkey filtered water.  Get plenty of sleep, exercise at least a little every day, and get outdoors to soak in fresh air and sunshine (even 15 minutes is beneficial!).
  • Take 1,000 mg of Vitamin C up to 3x / day, and 500 mg of Echinacea standardized extract up to 3x / day, and at least 3,000 IU of liquid vitamin D3.  
  • Take Olivirex – 1 capsule three times daily
  • Take Cell Core VIRADCHEM, and oxygen drops- VIRADCHEM helps to “vaccum” viruses from cells and the oxygen can help to deter viral replication by reducing oxidative stress. (Our Practitioner code is “U7NIWDMS”)
  • Take Beyond Balance IMNV – this is an herbal tincture in a glycerine base so it tastes good. It will be a great anti-viral support and good companion for the liposomal viral support formula. 
  • Internal use of liposomal essential oils is the new therapy I referred to above that we have been using in the last few months. We have been using Custom liposomals in our office with success in the battle against Lyme and autoimmune illnesses. It is a safe and effective way to use EO’s internally. THE NEW viral support formula we are using now has already seen success here and on the East Coast against colds and flu and now we are using for support of Coronavirus infection.

    Essential oils that have Proven broad-spectrum anti-viral effects include:
  • Eucalyptus
  • Tea Tree
  • Lemon
  • Cinnamon leaf
  • Clove
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Oregano
  • Hyssop linalool
  • Melissa
  • Ravinsara 
  • Apply essential oils that you may already have at home to the base of your nose, on your neck, chest and wrists and soles of your feet.  They may be applied neat (undiluted) or diluted in a small amount of carrier oil.  These can also be diffused into the air of your home or office to help reduce air borne viruses. 
  • Rubbing UNKERS therapeutic rub on your chest for soothing and opening your airways. I sell this amazing product in my office. 


First of all stay home or distance yourself from others so that you don’t potentially spread covid-19. I will not be scanning anyone in my office to see if they have coronavirus. 

  • You will want to take 2 TBSP of the viral support EO formula every 3-4 hours while awake, use the EO or colloidal silver nasal spray every 3-4 hours and apply the preventative steps listed above to help support your recovery. 

As always, feel free to contact our office for more information or to schedule an appointment. We will continue in person consults, unless you are already sick, we can book phone or Zoom calls.

On your side this season,

The Foundations Wellness Team

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