A term I have been using lately when referring to our generation is Gen P(oisoned). Gen P has no idea how many shockingly toxic substances we carry around in our bodies, and how those poisons affect all of our bodily functions. Hormones, brain chemicals like serotonin, the good bugs of the microbiome, digestion, nerves and brain, skin, liver, kidneys, etc. can all be affected. These things are well documented in studies. We also can hardly believe it when we develop mysterious symptoms and our doctors cannot figure out what is going on, much less offer that quick fix we want.
It’s a fast growing problem!
Clients who work with me regularly find things like jet fuels, tire rubber, flame retardants and 2,4,D the active ingredient of Agent Orange and glyphosate in their bodies. I would have never believed it until I began to see it over and over in most people who work with me. I have seen Things like toxic foams and glues,
pesticides and herbicides, mycotoxins, micro-plastics, phthalates, glyphosate, and many more poisons on clients’ urine panels. I knew that pesticides, herbicides and antibiotics were coming into our bodies in tiny amounts each day in our food and water- but Mercury, arsenic, aluminum, uranium (a radioactive metal), REALLY?

It began to make sense to me why some poor individuals simply could
not beat lyme disease or mold illness, or why they were deteriorating so fast with
an autoimmune or mystery illness. The more I dug into how many toxic elements and
chemicals are getting into our bodies every single day, the more so many strange illnesses
began to make sense. BPA and BPS from plastic food containers and wraps, PFOA’s from non-
stick skillets, Phthalates from fragrances in laundry and body care products, and in
room sprays and plug ins can all disrupt our hormones and our bodies ability to
use our hormones. Cosmetics and hair dyes, sunscreen, flame retardants in new
clothes carpeting and furniture, toxic foams in mattresses and pillows, can all
harm our immune systems. Heavy metals that can be found in water, food or
medications like arsenic, mercury, lead, fluoride and uranium can make us so
inflamed and sick, that we simply cannot tolerate mold and other allergens.

What can be confusing is that few of these toxins will cause immediate effects,
or will kill you on contact. Our exposures are normally tiny small amounts on a
daily basis. So they Accumulate and take time to cause symptoms. So we have to
really think about this. Just because I don’t see an immediate reaction, does that
mean it’s not harming me? And are these man made and toxic things I am taking
in each day interacting with each other to make them even more disruptive of my
normal health? Are there studies to assure us they are NOT interacting or
harming us? I can assure you there are not.

With autoimmunity and mysterious illnesses skyrocketing in recent years,
we have to ask ourselves, what has changed from our great grandparents’ generation
to ours? I am old enough to remember when no one I knew had chronic fatigue,
fibromyalgia, IBS, UC, sensory integration issues or even anxiety disorders.
Never did I hear of anyone having a panic attack, or children having depression or suicidal ideation.
Today we all know more and more people suffering with those things!
For a few decades these types of syndromes were blamed on middle aged white women overthinking their lives.
They were labeled either psychiatric or that they had an “idiopathic” condition- of
no known cause. But today we are seeing children, teens, and young adults in the
prime of their lives coming down with so many mysterious illnesses, and their
only options seem to be to take this or that drug to fix their “genetic or
unexplainable disease”. With more and more of our modern day chemicals being scientifically

linked to autoimmune and mysterious illnesses, we are waking up to What we put into our
bodies each and every day. Those things have changed dramatically in the last 30-
40 years. From our food and beverages to home, lawn and body care products,
convenience is king. It just makes sense when you think about it. Can something
like jet fuel from superfund ( Toxic waste dump sites ) and glyphosate, the active
ingredient in Round Up enter our body daily through our food and water and have
no ill effect? Remember just because there is no immediately noticed ill effects,
doesn’t mean there isn’t a storm slowly, gradually brewing.
I am passionate to educate and help Gen P. My message to mine and my
childrens’ generations is to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for your health and your daily
exposures. It is so easy to take it for granted and just “Do what everyone else is
doing” until you end up one day dealing with a mystery illness like so many of us
have had to face. It’s so easy to live for convenience so we can stay on the treadmill of our fast-paced lives.
And once something goes wrong we just go the the doctor and get that magic pill to fix us.
But then it doesn’t.

Go against the “normal” flow. Be awake and aware. Prioritize your health and live
in harmony with nature- with how your body was meant to function. Avoid
artificial man made chemicals of all sorts and give your bodies the true whole
food and clean water that it needs to stay healthy. EDUCATE yourself! The
Environmental Working Group at EWG.org is an amazing resource for your

Foundations Wellness Coaching exists to give hope, education and tools that WORK
to help you and your loved ones detoxify these chemicals, and return your body to that
amazing self healing state that you were meant to live in.

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