Nov 29, 2023 | Nutrition, Uncategorized, Wellness
HOLISTIC HEALING from Cold & Flu is not for the faint of heart. BUT applying these tools is both SAFE & EFFECTIVE and will help preserve your gut microbiome and STRENGTHEN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM to fight off future illness! 1. NUTRIENT DENSE FOOD Screen Shot...
Oct 25, 2023 | Detox, Lyme, Lyme, Uncategorized, Wellness
Pillars of Success in Lyme Recovery Whether you have had a recent tick bite, a negative Lyme test, or an official diagnosis- navigating the symptoms of Lyme disease can be a bit of a rollercoaster. Symptoms you may be experiencing if you have Lyme or its...
Oct 4, 2023 | Toxins, Uncategorized, Wellness
“I can’t have mold, my house is new.” As I watched a new home be built in my area of town I have my doubts… It was a very wet spring, and as the frame of the house went up, I wondered if the stack of wood sitting in the rain had gotten moldy, and if...
Aug 4, 2022 | Detox, Toxins, Uncategorized
A term I have been using lately when referring to our generation is Gen P(oisoned). Gen P has no idea how many shockingly toxic substances we carry around in our bodies, and how those poisons affect all of our bodily functions. Hormones, brain chemicals like...
Jul 1, 2021 | Lyme, Lyme, Uncategorized
As a practitioner with extensive training and experience in Lyme disease, I have had record numbers of calls and messages coming in already this spring. With Lyme disease on the rise nationally and here in Ohio, we all need to know what to do in case of a tick bite....