I have been doing several videos and blogs about COVID 19 and how to beat it. I like using safe and effective herbal remedies which I see working very well! But from simply developing a healthy immune system standpoint, one of my favorite tools for creating a robust healthy immune system, is ANAEROBIC fermented veggies. Think medicinal grade probiotics. This Is actually one of my favorite tools in the Foundations Wellness Recovery Tool Chest. I have seen them do wonders for those with Lyme disease, MAST CELL activation syndrome, autoimmune and mystery illness, and also for super powering the immunes system to ward off viruses like Coronavirus and the flu. What are these wonder veggies and how do they help?
Most of us are familiar with sauerkraut. IF you have a German heritage you may have even grown up eating it. As a child, it was a mandatory penance to eat it. As long as it was smothered in porky meaty juice and potatoes it wasn’t so bad. Now, I eat it for a night time snack! Except this kind of fermented vegetable I made myself and I now consider one of the most beneficial foods in my entire diet. I even drink the juice it is so delicious and I can just feel it superpowering my natural immune system. My young granddaughters fight over my fermented green beans they think they are so yummy!! My clients report amazing gains and they love the taste! Recent studies have proven that the normal beneficial bacteria in our bodies are ESSENTIAL to a healthy immune system and front line fighters against infections of all types. These good guys are the best weapon we have against fighting the bad guys.
Raw uncooked, non processed anaerobic fermented vegetables contain the highest quality, and diversity of prebiotics and probiotics that you could ever take in. A typical jar of probiotics that you would buy just does not even compare. Pharmaceutical grade probiotics that cost well over $50 per month might contain 20-25 beneficial strains of lactobacillus – the super heroes of a healthy strong immune system. The Probiotic Jar creates anywhere from 100-600 strains of beneficial and rare lactobacillus AND come with the prebiotics needed to feed and seed them. There is just no competition.
The best part it, once you buy the proper Probiotic Jar at www.probioticjar.com , its pennies on the day. Making them yourself is extremely easy and safe and guarantees you will have the highest amount, diversity and quality probiotics for you and your family possible. No more spending $50-80 on commercial probiotics and prebiotics that claim to do miracles but you aren’t sure if they are helping all that much. Whereas these commercially produced probiotics may very well have all the best of everything on the ingredients list, they are so expensive and you can’t really be sure when you bring them home how well they were stored, or how potent they still are. For that same $80 you can buy two Probiotic jars ( no, I don’t sell them) and the only expense you have left from then on is the price of the veggies you buy at the store or grow yourself.
Here is how it works- you take an organic U.S. grown vegetable, my favorite being the bag of organic green beans down at Kroger, and do minimal preparation before putting them in the jar. For the green beans, you simply have to snip one end off. Now if you are picking them out of your garden there is a little more work involved but I can tell you from personal experience that the home grown ones are simply out of this world as far as taste and potency. Once the vegetable is in the non sterilized jar, you put a salt brine and brine bowl over the top and close the jar, topping it with an air lock. Then you let it sit on your counter for 7-10 days. Then you refrigerate and eat them! IT is really that simple!
People get super intimidated by fermenting vegetables because they have visions of a canning process- boiling jars and produce, worrying about botulism and food poisoning YUCK! The amazing part about anaerobic fermenting though is that it has been studied and proven IMPOSSIBLE To create botulism or food poisoning in any form when using the Probiotic jar.
So what is the difference between ANAEROBIC Probiotic jar ferments and AEROBIC mason jar and other jar type ferments? The Anaerobic/Probiotic Jar fermentation process lets no oxygen in while the mason jar /aerobic fermentation does allow oxygen in. The difference in the two is tremendous and super important if you have MAST CELL activation syndrome, allergies, or just too many histamines in your body. The Anaerobic process is the one that was used over the many centuries of human history but became a lost art form when aerobic fermenting and canning came on the scene in the last few centuries. I took an entire course on this and won’t go into all the many details, but suffice it to say, that the anaerobic ferments can get into 4 stages of the fermenting process, whereas the aerobic ferments like the store bought raw sauerkraut, kombutcha and kefir can only get to stage 2. In stage two you get the histamines that some people cannot tolerate.
The acid that develops in a mason jar ferment or in any other jar that lets oxygen in, is ascetic acid- like in Vinegar. The acid that forms in the probiotic/ anaerobic jar that lets no oxygen in is lactic acid. This is where the huge difference comes in. The ascetic Acid in the aerobic fermented food or beverage only allows the fermentation process to get to stage 2, where more limited strains of beneficial lactobacillus form, along with histamines. In the lactic acid in the Probiotic Jar, A superior, medicinal grade probiotic will form and furthermore get to stage 4 of the fermentation process, where it NEUTRALIZES HISTAMINES. For someone who has struggled for many years with histamine issues, super sensitivities, MAST CELL, and the like, Aerobic fermented vegetables and beverages would be a huge NO NO due to the histamines.
When I attended the Functional Fermenting Course a few years back I was super skeptical of this. As someone who suffered with excessive histamines and itchiness every day I did not want to try those samples no matter how much she taught us that they were going to help people like me. Reluctantly I did eat the samples though and to my amazement, by lunch time, my usual daily itchiness was improved! I was shocked when I left at 5 pm that day that I had no itchiness at all- something I Was used to suffering with every single day. In fact, until I was able to make my own jar of them, those beautiful little 4 forks full of probiotic jar veggies I had ingested that day kept the histamines down in my system for 3 whole days! Well- you better believe that day I whipped out my wallet to buy as many of those jars as I could get my hands on.
There has been no looking back for me. I have been able to keep histamines under control for over 2 years now and have greatly opened up my food choices and reduced my suffering. Improving the quality and quantity of my beneficial bacteria in my body has made my greatly improved health even better. And these are the perfect solution for after taking antibiotics.
But for those of you out there just looking to avoid COVID 19 and help your family be healthier, these little gems are one of the most beneficial foods you could feed yourself and your family. Here is a list of just a few of the benefits they offer:
- Help detoxify aflatoxins from mold exposures
- Help detoxify heavy metals that we are getting in our air food water and medications
- Help digest food and convert it to energy and amino acids, enzymes, mineral and vitamins
- Improve absorption of these nutrients
- Help fight infections like the coronavirus, colds and flus
- Reduce cravings for sugar!
- Create neurotransmitters that many of us are lacking -serotonin, melatonin and dopamine- the feel good chemicals in our brains
- Bring microbes of the gut back into balance therefore defeating candida yeast and other chronic infections like Lyme disease
- Help people with mold illness, histamine intolerance and mast cell activation syndrome to heal more quickly
- Help people with Autoimmune and mystery diseases of all types to heal their immune system and make significant gains in their health.
- There are thought to be even more benefits than we have even discovered
I wish I owned stock in these jars I believe in them so much. There are no financial kick backs here for me at all. This is something that just makes sense to a wellness coach such as myself. Inexpensive, amazing, tasty Immune system healing little veggies. I hope you give them a try. The green beans pickles and sauerkraut like you see in the photo are my favorite! Like I said they are probably the best food you can feed yourself and your family for a lifetime.
Go to www.probioticjar.com for supplies and how-to videos and recipes. For more information about Immune System Healing, Healing from Lyme or Autoimmune or Mysterious illnesses, visit our website: www.foundationswellnesscoaching.com to book your consultation today
I absolutely loved the class I attended that you held. It was good to share knowledge with others at my table. It took the fear out of the unknown. We even shared veggies since we each had brought different ones. I learned several things, including it is important to use vegetables of the same size to ensure absorption.
Do you refrigerate it after opening because that is when oxygen comes in? Thanks