Health and Wellness Coaching
Holistic Healing for your health concerns.
Our 5-fold healing methodology
At Foundations Wellness Clinic, we utilize a five-fold methodology to start you on your path back to wellness and vitality. We start with the 90-minute initial consultation where we collaborate on the best plan of action for your particular case. We become a team and you will walk out with a written personalized wellness plan in hand!
During this consult and in follow up consults you will receive:
Zyto Scan Testing
Microbiome Balancing
Guided Detox
Diet Education
Chemical-free Living
Zyto testing is the only one of its kind that is able to accurately assess the root causes of illnesses
Root issues it may uncover are food sensitivities, organ and system stress, stress responses to Lyme and co-infections, parasites, viruses, mold and mycotoxins, EMF sensitivity, heavy metals, and more. Our practitioners utilize the Zyto Elite scan results to put together a personalized plan for their clients to promote effective recovery.
The health of your microbiome greatly impacts your immune system
When certain bacteria, parasites and other organisms get out of balance, the bad guys start to overtake the good guys, leading you to experience a variety of negative health conditions. We instruct you on the use of safe and effective herbal formulas, and personalized custom formulas, in tea, capsule and tincture form. They essentially kill the bad guys without nuking the good guys.
Cleanse your body of unhealthy toxins
Due to the toxic state of the Clients’ body, detoxification must be guided so that it is effective, while also safe and gentle. Clients will learn about and experience detoxification from heavy metals, environmental toxins, internally created toxins, and molds. One method we use is an ion-cleansing foot bath by AMD, which studies have shown and proven its effectiveness.
Food is medicine, and eating right dramatically supports your healing
Our practitioners work with you to develop a healthy, sustainable, nutrient-dense eating plan. Zyto Elite will help to uncover which food are best and which may be driving inflammation. Each coaching session we will follow up on how you are doing and provide needed adjustments, encouragement and ideas.
Say goodbye to those harmful toxins
Learn how to live chemical-free in your home. Our team will educate and guide you step by step in this process and provides resources and product recommendations.
Want to dig deeper?
Are you questioning your toxin exposure? Do you want to learn how your genetics play a role in your bodies ability to effectively detox? These tests allow us to dig deeper and create a personalized strategies to enhance your detox pathways and overall health! Don’t miss this opportunity to discover your exposure to heavy metals, environmental toxins, mycotoxins and now genetic variants that could be hindering your ability to detox.